2020-05-24 nap bejegyzései

(3201) Vakcinával kapcsolatos hírek

Tibor bá’ fordítása online


A Kínában kifejlesztett vakcina biztonságos és a tudósok szerint védhet a vírus ellen

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A vaccine developed in China appears to be safe and may offer protection against the virus, scientists say.

The early-stage trial, published in the Lancet, was conducted by researchers at several laboratories and included 108 participants. Subjects who got the vaccine mounted a moderate immune response to the virus, which peaked 28 days after the inoculation, the researchers found.

A vaccine to the new coronavirus is considered to be the best long-term solution to ending the pandemic and helping countries reopen their societies. Nearly 100 teams worldwide are racing to test various candidates.

On Monday, Moderna announced that its RNA vaccine appears to be safe and effective, based on results from eight people in its trial. On Wednesday, researchers in Boston said a prototype vaccine protected monkeys from coronavirus infection.

The vaccine reported today was created with another virus, an adenovirus called Ad5 that easily enters human cells.

But the virus is one that many people already have been exposed to, and some experts have worried that too many already have antibodies to Ad5, limiting its usefulness as a way to deliver a vaccine.

Although the vaccine did elicit some immune response, the results are based on data from just a short period. It is not clear how long-lasting the protection might be.

Apart from pain at the injection site, close to half of the participants also reported fever, fatigue and headaches, and about one in five had muscle pain.

The participants knew whether they were receiving a low, medium or high dose, however, which may have influenced their perceptions of the side effects.
