2016-09-29 nap bejegyzései

(1970) A bevándorlók a Sharia törvényeket akarják a svéd no-go zónákban



Éveken át az európai hatóságok tagadták, hogy a muszlim bevándorlókkal lenne probléma. Mára azonban a krízis elkendőzhetetlen méreteket ölt, és a helyzet tovább romlik. Svédországban az úgynevezett no go zónák száma növekszik, állítja Ingrid Carlqvist, a Dispatch International elnevezésű svéd újság főszerkesztője. EU refugee & migrant influx……………

Tűzoltó felgyújtott kocsikat oltsanak Malmö-ben (Svédország)
Tűzoltó felgyújtott kocsikat oltanak Malmö-ben (Svédország)

A teljes fordítást elküldöm a VIP előfizetőknek. Kapcsolat felvétel: evatibor#t-online.hu

For years European authorities have denied any problem with Muslim immigration, but now crisis is exploding and is getting worse, with the number of so called “no-go” areas in Sweden rising, says Ingrid Carlqvist, editor-in-chief of Swedish newspaper Dispatch International.

TrendsEU refugee & migrant influx

A recent report suggests Swedish police are failing to control the country’s suburbs following the creation of as many as 55 so-called ‘no-go zones’. The police have reportedly been verbally attacked when trouble flares in the areas. A number of incidents have involved officers being pelted with stones. Vandalism, drug crime, and sexual assaults are also reported.

The Swedish public is on edge after a gunman who injured at least four people in the city of Malmo remains at large.

Q: All the risks are listed on a leaflet issued by Hungary. The pamphlet claims hundreds of completely lawless ‘no-go zones’ exist in Europe especially in Sweden. However, the Swedish embassy in Hungary has dismissed Budapest’s claims – saying no such areas exist. Do you think these leaflets are an exaggeration?

Ingrid Carlqvist: No, it’s not. This is just semantics. The Swedish authorities don’t want to call them ‘no-go zones.’ They think that ‘no -go zones’ is place where no one can enter. But that is not what normal people mean. They mean that the ambulances can’t go there without police escort. When the police come there, they will get stoned and people will try to set fire to police cars and so on. They are lawless areas – and that is what people call ‘no-go zones’. No normal person would ever go inside there.