2018-11-18 nap bejegyzései

(2679) Extinction Foretold, Extinction Ignored

VIP (2679) Előre figyelmeztettek, ami senkit se érdekelt

Szemelvény a McPherson üzenetének (november 17.) fordításából: Jelenleg a Föld átlaghőmérséklete 1.73°C-al van az 1750-es bázis vonal felett, ami az Ipari Forradalom kezdetét jelenti. A jelenlegi átlaghőmérsékletet az emberi faj még soha nem érzékelhette állítja James Hansen és társai egy 2017-es esszéjében: Earth System Dynamics. Más szavakkal fajtánk sohase élt a mainál melegebb Földön, ami pillanatnyilag oka a jelenlegi migráns krízisnek, és még nem is értük el a +2°C értéket, amit Nordhaus állapított (sic) meg.

Következő fordításaim: Shlomo Sand legújabb könyvével, „A zsidó nemzet”-tel kapcsolatos, a szerző tollából származó cikk a Haaretz-ben. illetve „A kellemetlen igazság” az emberi elme egyik tulajdonságáról szól.


Aki legalább 10.000 forinttal hozzájárul a honlap fenntartásához annak ezzel együtt 30 fordítást küldök el a legérdekesebb és leghasznosabb témákról. Célom olyan cikkek lefordítása, amivel a magyar média nem foglalkozik, vagy másképp. Számlaszámom: OTP 11773030-00271383


McPherson twitter üzenete: November 17, 2018

Most evolving lineages, human or otherwise, when threatened with extinction, don’t do anything special to avoid it.

~ George C. Williams

American evolutionary biologist George C. Williams died in September 2010 at the age of 83 years. I doubt he knew we were facing our own imminent extinction.

By the time Williams died, I’d been sounding the alarm in this space for three years. I was hardly alone. The warnings I’ll mention in this short essay were hardly the first ones about climate catastrophe likely to result from burning fossil fuels. A little time with your favorite online search engine will take you to George Perkins Marsh sounding the alarm in 1847, Svente Arrhenius’s relevant journal article in 1896, and young versions of Al Gore, Carl Sagan, and James Hansen testifying before the United States Congress in the 1980s. There is more, of course, all ignored for a few dollars in a few pockets.

The projected rate of climate change based on IPCC-style gradualism outstrips the adaptive response of vertebrates by a factor of 10,000 times. Closer to Homo sapiens, mammals cannot evolve fast enough to escape the current extinction crisis. Humans are vertebrate mammals. To believe that our species can avoid extinction, even as non-human vertebrates and non-human mammals disappear, is classic human hubris wrapped in a warm blanket of myth-based human supremacy. The evidence indicates humans will join the annihilation of “all life on earth,” as reported in the < href=https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-35068-1>journal literature on 13 November 2018. After all, humans are alive (some more than others).

The catastrophic, uncontrolled meltdown of the world’s nuclear power facilities is sufficient but not necessary for the near-term loss of life on Earth. “Only” abrupt climate change is necessary to rid Earth of all life.

The response to these warnings, throughout history? Shift the baseline. Ignore the abundant science. Throw caution to the wind.

The corporate media, governments, and most climate scientists continue to adhere to the 2 C target proposed by economist William Nordhaus in 1977: “If there were global temperatures more than 2C or 3C above the current average temperature, this would take the climate outside of the range of observations which have been made over the last several hundred thousand years.”

We know quite a bit more about climate science than we did in 1977. And real scientists knew, even way back then, that economists were not to be treated as scientists. It’s small wonder Nordhaus shared the politically motivated Nobel Prize in Economics earlier this year. I wouldn’t have been surprised had he been given the Nobel Peace Prize, thus joining fellow specialists-in-genocide Henry Kissinger and Barack Obama.

Earth is currently 1.73 C above the 1750 baseline marking the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. This global-average temperature is the highest ever with Homo sapiens present, according to a 2017 paper in Earth System Dynamics by James Hansen and colleagues. In other words, our species has never experienced a hotter Earth than the one currently driving the ongoing refugee crisis as habitat for humans disappears. And we’re not quite at the 2 C limit (sic) established by Nordhaus.

In response to the ever-accelerating crisis known as abrupt climate change, the conventional approach is to shift the baseline. Instead of admitting the planet is nearly 2 C above the 1750 baseline, governments and many scientists have determined the baseline is actually 1981-2010, or later. Adherence to the Precautionary Principle is clearly unfashionable.

We’ve known for decades that the 2 C number set in stone by Nordhaus is dangerous. In late June 1989 Noel Brown, the director of the New York office of the United Nations Environment Program indicated we had only until 2000 to avoid catastrophic climate change. About 16 months after Brown’s warning, the United Nations Advisory Group on Greenhouse Gases set 1 C as the absolute upper limit in October 1990. Climate speaker and writer David Spratt said 0.5 C was the upper limit in October 2014.

It was probably too late to reverse abrupt, irreversible climate change in 1977 when Nordhaus shared his genocidal opinion. It certainly was too late to change course in 1989. And comforting words aside, we haven’t done anything to prevent our own extinction in the wake of warnings distant or near.

In October 2018, the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change indicated we have until 2030 to hold global-average temperature at 1.5 C above the ever-shifting baseline. Yes, that’s correct: The United Nations is recommending a global-average temperature well below the current temperature as a “target.”

It gets worse, of course: United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres says we have until 2020 to turn this ship around. The only known means by which humans can change the global-average temperature in any direction between now and 2020 is the reduction of industrial activity, which will alleviate the aerosol masking effect and therefore drive the global-average much higher very quickly. And that’s not the direction we want the temperature to change if we’re interested in maintaining habitat for vertebrates and mammals on Earth. Loss of the aerosol masking effect means loss of habitat for human animals, with human extinction to follow.

It gets unimaginably worse by the day, of course. The latest information from the refereed journal literature finally caught up to me in concluding the Sixth Mass Extinction could annihilate all life on Earth. A paper in Science Reports draws this conclusion based upon the rate of environmental change, consistent with my own conclusions. As one who loves life, my gratification from this most conservative of sources is overwhelmed by my sadness at the loss.

To put it simply, our fate as a species is sealed. We’re headed for extinction in the very near term despite warnings dating more than 150 years. It’s a tragic tale. And, as foretold by evolutionary biologist George C. Williams, our species hardly made a squeak as the hammer dropped.


(2678) Forgotten your keys again? It’s not as bad as you think. It could be good for your brain

Tibor bá’ online

Már megint elfelejtetted, hová tetted a kulcsaidat? Ez nem oly szörnyű, mint gondolod. Ez jót tesz az agyadnak.

Hilda és Ylva Ostby neuro-pszichológus szerzőpáros (balra) könyve szerint nem kell aggódni a „reménytelen” memória miatt, mert szerintük a feledékenység alapvető fontosságú az egészséges agy számára.

Amikor nevekre, arcokra, megbeszélt időpontokra nem emlékezünk az feszengéssel, mérgelődéssel, de akár félelemmel is járhat. Különösen negyven felett. Attól tartunk, hogy ez a mentális hanyatlás első jele. De a szerzők most megjelent könyve szerint jó hír az, hogy ez tökéletesen normális agyműködés, sőt. A felejtés gyakorta annak a jele, hogy az agyunk tökéletesen működik, állítja Ylva Ostby neuro-pszichológus, aki testvérével Hilde Ostby-val írtak egy könyvet: Kalandozás a memóriában – Az emlékezés és felejtés tudománya és titka (Adventures in Memory — the Science and Secrets of Remembering and Forgetting) Elfelejteni nem csak jó, de fontos is. Bizonyos típusú információk elfelejtése az agy védekezése a túlterhelés ellen. A modern élet és a mobil telefonok kora az emberi agyat elözönli információval.