2016-07-02 nap bejegyzései

A nyugati demokrácia halála



Emlékszel Dominic Strauss-Kahn esetére?  A francia Strauss-Kahn volt az IMF vezetője, és a közvélemény kutatások eredménye szerint valószínűleg ő lett volna a következő Francia elnök. Valami olyasmit mondott, ami a görögök részére nagyon kedvező lett volna. Ez meglepte a bankárokat, akik arra gondoltak, ha megvalósítja elképzeléseit, akkor az megakadályozhatja Görögország, Portugália, Spanyolország és Olaszország kifosztását. Ekkor előállt a szálloda egyik takarítónője, aki azt állította, hogy Strauss-Kahn megerőszakolta. Letartoztatták, és nem engedték szabadlábra óvadék ellenére sem. Miután a rendőrség és az ügyészség hülyét csinált magából, szabadlábra helyezték, és ejtették a vádat, de a célt elérték. Strauss-Kahn lemondott az IMF vezetéséről és elbúcsúzhatott a francia elnökválasztástól. – Milyen érdekes, hogy most a nagy semmiből előállt egy nő, aki azt állítja, hogy 13 éves korában Trump megerőszakolta.

A teljes fordítást elküldöm a VIP előfizetőknek. Kapcsolat felvétel: evatibor#t-online.hu

The Collapse of Western Democracy

By Paul Craig Roberts

June 30, 2016 „InformationClearing House” –  Democracy no longerexistsinthe West. Inthe US powerfulprivate interest groups, suchasthemilitary-securitycomplex, Wall Street, the Israel Lobby, agribusiness and theextractiveindustries of energy, timber and mining, havelongexercised more controlover governmentthanthepeople. Butnoweventhesemblance of democracy has beenabandoned.

Inthe US Donald Trump has wontheRepublicanpresidentialnomination. However, RepublicanconventiondelegatesareplottingtodenyTrumpthenominationthatthepeoplehavevotedhim. The Republicanpolitical establishment is showing an unwillingnesstoacceptdemocraticoutcomes.
The peoplechose, buttheirchoice is unacceptabletothe establishment whichintendstosubstituteitschoiceforthepeople’schoice.

DoyourememberDominic Strauss-Kahn? Strauss-Kahn is theFrenchmanwhowashead of the IMF and, accordingtopolls, thelikelynextpresident of France. He saidsomethingthatsoundedtoofavorabletowardtheGreekpeople. Thisconcernedpowerful banking interestswhoworriedthat he mightgetintheway of theirplunder of Greece, Portugal, Spain, and Italy. A hotel maid appearedwhoaccusedhim of rape. He wasarrested and heldwithoutbail. Afterthepolice and prosecutors had made fools of themselves, he wasreleasedwithallchargesdropped. Butthegoalwasachieved. Strauss-Kahn had toresignas IMF director and kissgoodbyehischanceforthepresidency of France.

Curious, isn’tit, that a woman has nowappearedwhoclaimsTrump raped herwhenshewas 13 years old.

Considerthepoliticalestablishment’sresponsetotheBrexitvote. Members of Parliamentaresayingthatthevote is unacceptable and thatParliament has the right and responsibilitytoignorethevoice of thepeople.

The viewnowestablishedinthe West is thatthepeoplearenotqualifiedtomakepoliticaldecisions. The position of theopponents of Brexit is clear: itsimply is not a matterforthe British peoplewhethertheirsovereignty is givenawayto an unaccountablecommissioninBrussels.

Martin Schultz, President of the EU Parliament, putsitclearly: “It is notthe EU philosophythatthecrowdcandecideitsfate.”

The Western mediahave made itclearthattheydonotacceptthepeople’sdecisioneither. The vote is saidto be “racist” and thereforecan be disregardedasillegitimate.

Washington has no intention of permittingthe British toexitthe European Union. Washington didnotworkfor 60 yearstoputall of Europe inthe EU bagthat Washington cancontrolonlytoletdemocracyundoitsachievement.

The FederalReserve, its Wall Street allies, and its Bank of Japan and European Central Bank vassalswillshortthe UK pound and equities, and thepresstituteswillexplainthedeclineinvaluesas “themarket’s” pronouncementthatthe British votewas a mistake. IfBritain is actuallypermittedtoleave, thetwo-yearlongnegotiationswill be usedtotiethe British intothe EU sofirmlythatBritainleavesinnameonly.

No onewith a brainbelievesthatEuropeansare happy that Washington and NATO aredrivingthemintoconflictwithRussia. Yettheirprotestshave no effectontheirgovernments.

ConsidertheFrenchprotests of whattheneoliberalFrenchgovernment, masqueradingassocialist, calls “labor lawreforms.” Whatthe “reform” does is totakeawaythereformsthattheFrenchpeopleachieved over decades of struggle. The French made employment more stable and less uncertain, therebyreducingstress and contributingtothehappiness of life. Butthecorporationswant more profit and regardregulations and lawsthatbenefitpeopleasbarrierstohigherprofitability. Neoliberaleconomists backed thetakeback of French labor rightswiththefalseargumentthat a humanesocietycausesunemployment. The neoliberaleconomistscallit “liberatingtheemployment market” fromreformsachievedbytheFrenchpeople.

The Frenchgovernment, of course, representscorporations, nottheFrenchpeople.

The neoliberaleconomists and politicianshave no qualmsaboutsacrificingthequality of French life inordertoclearthewayforglobalcorporationstomake more profits. What is thevaluein “theglobal market” whentheresult is toworsenthefate of peoples?

ConsidertheGermans. Theyare being overrunwithrefugeesfromWashington’swars, warsthatthe stupid Germangovernmentenabled. The Germanpeopleareexperiencingincreasesincrime and sexualattacks. Theyprotest, buttheirgovernmentdoesnothearthem. The Germangovernment is more concernedabouttherefugeesthanit is abouttheGermanpeople.

ConsidertheGreeks and thePortugueseforcedbytheirgovernmentstoacceptpersonalfinancialruininordertoboosttheprofits of foreignbanks. Thesegovernmentsrepresentforeignbankers, nottheGreek and Portuguesepeople.

Onewondershowlongbeforeall Western peoplesconcludethatonly a FrenchRevolutioncompletewith guillotine cansetthem free.
