2019-02-26 nap bejegyzései

(2764) Nukleáris háború India és Pakisztán között?

Forrás: Seemorerocks

[A fordítást a VIP előfizetőknek E-mailben elküldöm.]


Both India and Pakistan are armed with functioning nuclear weapons. Both nations have made clear they WILL USE THEM against each other.

In the Pentagon and at the White House, briefings have been undertaken to outline the likely GLOBAL effects of a nuclear exchange between India and Pakistan. The consensus is that once either country uses such a weapon, the other country will respond with ALL of its nuclear weapons, prompting the first country to use ALL its weapons.

India and Pakistan nukes are presently of a size similar to what the US dropped on Hiroshima in World War 2: about 15 Kilotons each. Each country has about fifty (50) such bombs.

Here is the briefing seen by Pentagon and White House Staff showing the

G L O B A L effects of such a fight:

Following a war between India and Pakistan, in which 100 Hiroshima-size (15 kiloton) nuclear weapons are detonated in the large cities of these nations, 5 million tons of smoke is lofted high into the stratosphere and is quickly spread around the world.

A smoke layer forms around both Hemispheres which will remain in place for many years to block sunlight from reaching the surface of the Earth.

One year after the smoke injection there would be temperature drops of several degrees C within the grain-growing interiors of Eurasia and North America. There would be a corresponding shortening of growing seasons by up to 30 days and a 10% reduction in average global precipitation.

War with 100 low-yield nuclear weapons

Summary of Consequences of Regional nuclear war between India and Pakistan (from studies done at Rutgers, the University of Colorado-Boulder and UCLA)

War is fought with 100 Hiroshima-size weapons (currently available in India-Pakistan arsenals), which have half of 1 percent (0.05%) of the total explosive power of all currently operational and deployed U.S.-Russian nuclear weapons

20 million people die from the direct effects of the weapons, which is equal to nearly half the number of people killed during World War II

Weapons detonated in the largest cities of India and Pakistan create massive firestorms which produce millions of tons of smoke

1 to 5 million tons of smoke quickly rise 50 km above cloud level into the stratosphere

The smoke spreads around the world, forming a stratospheric smoke layer that blocks sunlight from reaching the surface of Earth

Within 10 days following the explosions, temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere would become colder than those experienced during the pre-industrial Little Ice Age

These nuclear war-induced effects on temperature would be twice as large as those which followed the largest volcanic eruption in the last 500 years, in 1816, which caused “The Year Without Summer”

This cold weather would also cause a 10% decline in average global rainfall and a large reduction in the Asian summer monsoon.

25-40% of the protective ozone layer would be destroyed at the mid-latitudes, and 50-70% would be destroyed at northern high latitudes. Massive increases of harmful UV light would result, with significantly negative effects on human, animal and plant life.

These changes in global climate would cause significantly shortened growing seasons in the Northern Hemisphere for at least years. It would be too cold to grow wheat in most of Canada.

World grain stocks, which already are at historically low levels, would be completely depleted. Grain exporting nations would likely cease exports in order to meet their own food needs.

Some medical experts predict that ensuing food shortages would cause hundreds of millions of already hungry people, who now depend upon food imports, to starve to death during the years following the nuclear conflict.


(2763) Putyin, Orbán nyomdokaiba lép

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Bizonyára nem hitted volna, hogy Putyin fog Orbán nyomdokaiba lépni és nem fordítva. Pedig így van. Putyin (amerikai mintára) az unió helyzete éves beszédének legfontosabb tétele a demográfiai hanyatlás elleni harc volt.

Az elképzelés szerint Oroszország 2023-ra, vagy legkésőbb 2024-re, olyan természetes népszaporulatot fog elérni, mint amit 2013 és 2016 között tapasztaltak.

Az alábbi táblázatot érdemes áttanulmányozni.

Ezt vesd össze azzal, hogy

A melegekre és transzszexuálisokra hívják fel az 5 éves gyerekek figyelmét Angliában

A konzervatív angol kormány terve szerint az általános iskolákban fel kívánják hívni a gyerekek figyelmét a homoszexualitásra és a transzgenderizmusra, annak ellenére, hogy máris 100.000 tiltakozó aláírást gyűjtöttek. Ráadásul büntetni kívánják azokat a szülőket, akik a gyereket nem engedi erre az oktatásra.

A tervezett oktatás így néz ki:

A felírat fordítása: A pingvinházban két pingvin egy kicsit más. Az egyiket Roynak hívták, a másikat  Silonak. Mindketten fiúk, de mindenben együtt vannak.
